Under Pink Skies


I have to make these entries because my brain has a tendency to forget things in order to replace old memories with new ones.

April 7, 2019

For my first SOLO travel, I knew I was goin’ bonkers. 

Incheon Int’l Airport is massive and it was 10:30 in the evening so I had to hurry, book a bus, get a pocket wifi or sim and go to my hotel. I swear it was a disaster: I was jetlagged, I lined up to get a pocket wifi and the sales lady was rude at the customer (bish I got no time for this), I lined up again at the bus ticketing booth but there were no more regular buses on the way to Seoul, so 
I got myself a mango smoothie to calm the nerves. The pretty guy asked something in Korean and I was like wut!? Tearing the straw wrapper he said in perfect English “can I put the straw in it” and I was like hell yeah! then he said “thank you” awww. I
was stressed out, tired, out of breath and famished but my heart did a double back flip. It's not normal dude. Why would you bother unwrapping the straw and putting the straw in your customer's drink? I got functional hands, I can manage. So, I tested the theory on "Korean manners 101: straw" but no one did, not even in the Gongcha Gangnam branch. Two weeks and not a single soul unwrapped the straw for me other than that guy. Judging ze English skills and the confidence, I bet he lived overseas (I know Koreans quite well tbh, he was a peculiar one). Girl, he was totally flirting with you, my friend said. I was taught never to assume anything. I will never assume that a guy who helped me with my straw was hitting on me, I’m not a bleeding narcissist. && hell yeah, I often miss the subtle cues that come with flirting. It’s not in my nature to be flirtatious. Anything beyond being my usual self feels forced and ridiculous. HAHAHA. Thank you cutie! Next time, take a sip. <3

April 14-16, 2019 

Letter: Living under the same roof with the handsome owner L. 

When you came knocking on our door and I saw you for the first time, I was shook dude. You were pretty hot, more like RADIANT. HAHAHA. I remember you looked up to me before acknowledging my friend who's occupying the lower bunk. I bowed my head instead of waving my hand like a normal foreigner would. You exchanged pleasantries with her and I just stared at you with a smile on my face not bothering the brief introduction you two shared. I'm not good at giving away my thoughts through facial expressions but if you only knew what was going inside my head. LOL. My friend and I thought you were quite attractive but I bet you know that already. Why were you so awkward with me L? or was I? When you saw us eating in the common room, why did you lock yourself in the washroom? HAHAHA. People say I'm good at making other people uncomfortable because I appear standoffish and disinterested in human interaction. I get that a lot yeah but believe me I didn't bother making eye contact because I was too shy okay. && sorry for running away when you... (wink). Thank you for letting us in, you have a wonderful home! <3

April 17, 2019

We went to Gapyeong station and took the subway to Seoul. We couldn’t find the hotel we were supposed to stay at so we played the game of push and pull upon seeing the cute police officer (everyone is cute I tell ya!). I gained courage and asked him for directions despite my severe oddity to only interact with fictional characters. Dude, he was warm and fuzzy like Christmas and the smell of freshly baked cookies. Tbh, I don't know how to react around guys I find attractive especially the confident ones, but I'm not those who resort to twiddling their sweaters and sputtering random Tumblr quotes. It's like a switch, in an instant I pretend you don't exist, I feign ignorance and disregard subtext like I developed some sort of Asperger's. I'm good at dodging people I'm interested in. HAHAHA. Thank you, Mr. Officer, for the warm welcome! <3

April 19, 2019

We took the subway to Lotte World and Sky Observatory and had our mini photo session then went straight to Seokcheon lake which was around the area. As we walked further in the park, we saw people crowding one lakeside area and took a peek only to be shell-shocked. My best friends freaked out while I was in a total frozen state spiraling into temporary brain death. Mothereffin squidballs it was Kim Myungsoo a.k.a. Infinite's face of the group "L". We were making a scene and couldn't stop spazzing so we stepped away from the fans and had a mini conference of our own. After what felt like eons, we lined up in order to get a closer look at Myungsoo. He was gorgeous, even better up close than on screen. I am skilled at acting unperturbed and was internally planning my would-be reactions while queuing. I always do this mistake of avoiding my crush for fear of appearing foolish. At that particular moment, it was very unwise, not to mention illogical. After all, if I avoid the persons I am most attracted to (which happen to be Korean celebrities), I will risk losing the chance of a lifetime. So, we waited and got the snapshots minus the one-on-one interaction (Myungsoo was called for a 10-minute break which translates to a two-to-three-hour fangirl waiting). Thank you, L, for satisfying our fangirl fantasies! <3

How to rid myself of the single status? 
6 months in Korea, 1 year tops :D kidding

I love being single and being alone doesn't terrify me. My favorite part really is having complete control over my time and not having to check in or compromise with anyone. I’ve gotten pretty used to doing what I want, whenever I want. I love the sense of freedom and all the perks attached to singlehood. HAHAHA. But I tell ya' South Korea changes that perspective. Staying there for two weeks was a lot to handle. I can't help but admire the eye candy oppas and be stuck in this fantasy bubble of unicorns and foot pops while I stare at glorious-ness of their effin face. How many guys have I pushed away with the pathetic excuse of I-ain't-ready? & yet there I was in Seoul, all giddy thinking about the cute chinky-eyed Korean stranger I bumped into. I am utterly consumed by them and these oppas have set the bar way too high for potential love interest. LOL. But that doesn't mean I only dig tall anorexic male models with squinty eyes and consider sleeping with them as an accomplishment. I love the IDEA of dating one but not to that extent. To all the boys I chose to ignore, I am not dense and I don't use some kind of femme fatale scheme where I toy with a guy and completely crush him after. I'm just thrown into the confusing mix involving Korean preference and Non-Korean namja interactions. Plus, I’m admittedly a bit of a recluse because I’m an ambivert and I enjoy spending time with myself. I socialize, but when given the choice between Netflix at home and party with booze, I’ll certainly choose Netflix and my bed. So yeah hermit problems and delusional Korean fangirl tendencies. HAHAHA. Can someone please smack me out of this lunacy!

Thank you Korean oppas for the feels and flutters! Kilig! <3



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