내 사랑

╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥
╔╝╚╗♫╚╣║║║║╔╣ CHANYEOL

“Then there is the boy you can never stop thinking about. Whenever you see his name, it trips you up. Even if it’s one that belongs to many others, even if he belongs to someone else.” - Lang Leav

of butterflies and sparks and palpitations. no scratch that. of FIREFLIES and COSMIC EBULLITIONsss and MACHINE GUNS and you can't handle that, really.

PARK CHANYEOL, my ULTIMATE BIAS because I'm tooooo biased to function properly.

I could use all daebaaaaaaaaaaak words in the dictionary to describe this beautiful man and how he makes me feel but the truth is, they will never ever suffice. Love is an untamed force and my love for Park Chanyeol is boundless. Achuchuchu.

PCY, know that I love your big, round, playful eyes. It's the kind that I can look into and find myself lost and at loss for words. I love your dimpled-cheek-wide-eyed-innocent-adorable face every time you pout those plump, luscious lips. I love your deep, outer-space portable sound system. Your captivating voice can send bolts of electricity down my spine - making me shiver and leaving me utterly breathless (Byuntae: your voice tickles my fancy - it's deep, dark and sexy). I love your boyish, baby face and your manly caveman voice which never really matched. I love your rich teeth smile. Those pearly whites are to die for.

You look like a total jerk every time you burst into fits of laughter. I can't help but giggle along with you as you drop on your knees and do the ROFL while banging your head on the floor. && yet you still manage to look so darn attractive and irresistibly porntastic. Tell me, what kind of sorcery are you? huh?

I will always love your amused look, your contagious hearty laugh, your impish grin, your sexy smirk and your drop-dead gorgeous biceps. I love everything about you including your humongous ears. Now that makes me the most ridiculous love struck shithead in EXO planet. I love you for being such a derp king, a troll, an idiotic happy virus whose presence radiates gazillion sunbeams.

My butter, stay healthy and strong and always wear your precious smile.

You're my number one. You're the smartest, cutest, funniest, sexiest, manliest, hottest and a whole lot more of adjectives in superlative degree that go along with your awesomeness (I'm too lazy to write).

I don't want to be too nice to everyone (idols) because I'm afraid being too nice to "the one and only ultimate bias" won't be as special. I want you to know that I’m only treating you the way I do because it's you, Chanyeol. Saranghae. I LOVE YOU.

P.S. My Rilakkuma plushies would look like cuddly giant freaks if you fathered them. MARRY ME, will you?


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