Coffee likes Cream

How does it feel, ya know getting confessed at? When you secretly fancy someone and he fancies you back. HAHAHA.

I dunno what to feel, what to say, what to do. Have you ever had that spur of the moment thing where you just open and close your mouth &&& tried so dang hard not to say something hideous (like @fgkshsgfskj). I'm a girl and I react like a girl when I see cutie guys or my crushes but nothing more than pure admiration, it's always been like that. The unending cycle of liking someone and him liking me back, him liking me and me liking him back and I get my happy ending! ROFL. I dunno if I'm just a hard nut to crack or I'm just obsessed with the thrill of the chase thing. Sometimes I'd rather be left in the dark so I could just secretly watch someone from afar and do nothing about it. I'm figuring myself out. I'm just waiting for that day, that awesome day when I'm gonna take the plunge and dive right in. I guess I don't like him that much to say YES, I fancy you too! :D


Are you starting to fall in love with a girl who has never been in a relationship? Well, let me tell you now that there will be certain precautions to dating the girl who's never dated. Like ever. She's been single forever, so getting into a relationship is a fairly new thing. It might actually take some getting used to but don't give up on her. Once she warms up to you, she will definitely be worth the wait. Here are 6 things you need to know before dating a girl that's NBSB or has had no boyfriend since birth.

1. Don’t immediately think she’s high maintenance.

Guys' first instinct when they come across a girl who's never had a boyfriend is that she's high maintenance. They think that she sets impossibly high standards for a guy that's why she's never gotten into a relationship with. This won't always be the case so don't be too quick to judge. If this were the case, these girls shouldn't be condemned for wanting what's best for them. If you really like the girl with high standards, work hard, and show her you are worth her love and attention.

2. Take things slow.

It will take time before she warms up to you so make sure that she is not overwhelmed by your relationship. Go on sweet and simple dates to make her feel at ease when she's with you. At first, she might refuse to hold your hand but don't be upset about it, usually it's because she's still in the process of being fully comfortable with you. Just remember that it's important to build up trust, instead of forcing it.

3. Don't be upset when she refuses your assistance.

There will be times when she's going to have to do stuff on her own (or pay for that dinner bill) and she won't need any help. Surely, you will hear the phrase "No, it's okay, I can handle it" or "No, thanks, babe. I can do it on my own." This doesn’t mean she disregards your desire to help her out. It just means she's independent, and is used to doing things alone before you walked into her life.

4. Meeting the parents will freak her out.

It's her first time ever to be introduced as a girlfriend so it's a given that she will be extremely nervous. Remember to give her advice and a few pointers before meeting your parents. Comfort her and assure her that she is going to do fine.

5. Understand when she becomes a little selfish.

Yes, there is such a thing as a right amount of selfishness and it is okay to have it. The selfish girl is the kind of girl who learned to love herself first before loving you. This is the kind of girl who will give her all but will remember to leave some for herself. In other words, she is strong and mature. Be very open-minded with her behavior, eventually she will learn to compromise and set aside her selfishness.

6. Be careful with her heart.

You're a very lucky guy if a girl who's never had a boyfriend decides that you're the one she wants to be with. This means that she fell hard for you and that being with you is all she wants. Remember, her love is pure and her trust is whole. Keep in mind to take good care of the love that she will give you because out of all the people she could have loved instead, she specifically chose you.



You know what! You like coffee but you are overthinking. 
Yeah right the age difference does matter to you 
and yeah he is younger, so your brain goes haywire again. Little brother my butt!
Yeah you are going to make this long list inside your head, 
reasons to "conceal don't feel". You know you do like him but... 


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