Sonnet and Wordplay

Hi Blog,

It's been a long time yeah? How's life goin' on for ya guys? So I was on a passenger jeepney when I wrote this Sonnet. Trigger warning, I am not a good writer and I stopped writing years ago, like probably after college, so I'm kinda amateurish. I used to write prose and poems because I was expected to. HAHAHA. Everything was driven by grades back then - you must write because you have to submit a movie review, a story analysis, etc. or else you'll fail World Literature, American Lit, English Lit, Afro-Asian Lit, European Lit, Contemporary Lit, Literary Analysis (you know what I mean). Not that I don't like writing, I love writing since grade school but there are certain things attached to adulthood that hinder me from doing the same things I did back then. Let's say spend hours on book sales or write narratives on my sketchpad (poor me). I used to write on a whim on whatever subject comes to mind but now I don't (only when necessary). LOL. So to kill time on a two-hour journey from my workplace to the smog-filled city that I live in, I wrote this sonnet. Why now you wonder? Well, I was asked by my boss to help with her daughter's English project & thanks to my Samsung Note phone (proud android user), I was able to scribble and finish this piece of poop. I still have Kdramas to finish at home THUS "leggo end this!" && here it is. 

Second Chance with Love (A Shakespearean Sonnet)
by DJ Park

You always appear in my dreams, my Love,
This heart foolishly drawn to your kisses.
Plethora of feelings I shouldn't have,
When you broke my poor heart into pieces.
That day you left, you took away my faith,
But persistent lingering feels won't end.
I was shattered, enraged and filled with hate.
Still yearning, fragments only you can mend.
Our memories tucked in a special nook,
My hearts still yours, I decide to forgive.
You crawled your way back in, you have that look.
Choc'late eyes I once knew, yes I believe.
That if my dear Love will leave, he is free,
But if he comes back, we are meant to be.

The Sonnet is a poem with three important elements that tell us clearly that it is a sonnet:

1.  It has 14 lines.
2.  Each line has 10 syllables.
3.  It is a rhyming poem, with a strict rhyme pattern.

You want to make sure you try and tell a story with a couplet conclusion when writing a Shakespearean sonnet. Do not write 14 rhyming lines that just describe love, anger, an object, a thought, etc. The Shakespearean sonnet is not 14 lines of descriptive poetry. It has a beginning, middle and an end.

Background of Second Chance with Love
(Poems are not meant to be analyzed but I feel like I have to explain in depth)

Well, it's about the writer who is still in love with her high school sweetheart. They were each other's first love and they shared many firsts together. They broke up after his family moved to the US (sad right?). Their relationship was not able to survive LDR, perhaps because they were so young and naive back then. He moved on with his life and so did she, but no matter how things ended between them, no matter how painful it was for her, she treasured their memories. There may be reasons why two people who were in love are not together anymore and moved on with their lives, but in her subconscious, there remains a portion that keeps revisiting the past.

Then one day, after 10 years, on her 27th birthday, he came knocking on her doorstep. She looked at the man with chocalate eyes - eyes that turned into crescents when he smiled. It was the same pair of eyes that bewitched her. She smiled back, no words exchanged. In that moment, like magic, everything stopped and all she thought was, "When you come back, I know you’re whole. I know that I’m not something to occupy your holes, but I am an addition to you, a beautiful soul. When you come back, I’ll be humble and accepting. I will lay down all our weaknesses and mistakes out in the open so we can begin with the healing. If we truly love each other, then there will be forgiveness. Love forgives. We will allow forgiveness to reign above our shortcomings, above our past. When you come back, I’ll love you entirely. I’ll love you more than the aches, the tragedies, the misunderstanding, the separate roads we took, more than all the hardships – I’ll love you, above all these, always. And as long as there are no valid reasons to let go, then I won’t. I’ll hold on, for I am home."

She believed that destiny has its way, if he is meant for her, he’ll be with her and she'll be with him.


AND SO THAT'S IT! I kinda revised my cousin's love story, but this is as close as it gets. I remember being at her wedding when I was 14, it was magical. Their story was amazing - LOVE LOST, LOVE FOUND AND A SHOT AT SECOND CHANCE.

P.S. Yes I have a thing for eyes, chocolate eyes - dark brown like mine, muddy brown, amber, blue, green, gray, all sorts. <3


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