Cut the CRAP!


You gotta be shitting me! It’s a matter of respect dude. Cheating is trashy and you’re giving me trust issues, wth!

Having a crush on someone other than your partner while you’re in a relationship is totally normal and frankly beyond our control, but when you choose to feed into that crush, I’m goin’ to effin slam you! I’m glad rejections are brutal no matter how sugarcoated the versions you put out there. It’s going to hurt, the person’s gonna be upset and all you can do is reduce the impact by emphasizing you’re not interested. PERIOD! I’m a cool person, I’m okay with playful banters but do not ever blur the line between harmless fun and inappropriate behavior. Now, I’m frustrated! Why my walls are up and high? Why I put boundaries? Why I don’t befriend a friend’s boyfriend? Why I have less guy friends? Simple. It can get messy and I don’t do complicated dramas. I don’t have time for that shit!

REAL TALK! It’s hard to control who we fall for and I tend to avoid situations that can lead to problems. I limit my interactions with guys who are in a relationship - be it co-workers, friends, boyfriends of friends - as a way of respecting their partners. You see, if you get too close, friendly bantering and flirting can become the foundation of an emotionally intimate relationship (especially when there is attraction). In the past, some of my male friends used me to make their girlfriends jealous and though that can be used as a funny prank or a quick way to rekindle the flames of desire, jealousy is a powerful emotion that can turn a great relationship toxic. It is not a doubt that most guys are physically attracted to “other” girls because that’s their nature, but talking to your girlfriend about how cool some girls are or sharing stories about other girls in front of her is a dick move. I don’t tolerate emotional abuse and I refuse to be the reason behind other people’s heartaches. Some girls are more sensitive than others so if guys find that charade amusing, I just effin hope they don’t drag me into that mess. It is hard opening up, sharing emotions and being close to male species with girlalets because things can escalate and I dare not cross dangerous territories. So if you’re gonna call me out for being aloof, anti-social, snob, go ahead! Just don’t me!

Please ladies, even if you are attracted to him, even if it’s tempting, run away, shut him down! Do not buy the shit that goes, “If you love two people, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first, you never would’ve loved the second.” If he ever loved either one, he never would’ve loved the other. So basically, he just loves himself.

WHAT IF YOU FALL FOR ME? How about what if I don’t talk to you forever! Umayos ka! -dj

I think I might have lost faith in men. They seem incapable of genuine affection or loyalty. Though I've known plenty of decent, loving and respectful guys, it’s rare to find one these days. I know that they are out there and they are worth finding but dang it… (sighs) 


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